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Most Recent Announcements

Team Rector and Team Vicar vacancies

Good Shepherd, give us for guidance and companionship people after your own heart:

people of faith and prayer;

people of vision, wisdom and sound judgment;

people with a love for all who live and work in our communities.

Prepare the people of your choice for their ministry among us, and prepare us for their coming; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Our Benefice Prayer

God our Father, we believe that you call us and our churches to serve you together: renew us, we pray, by your Holy Spirit that faith, hope and love may grow in all our communities; through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Online Services

The 11.00am from Diss may be livestreamed on YouTube. The stream will start around 10:0am and all the details will be on the homepage. If you’re unable to join us in person we hope that this will be of value to you and your family.