St Andrew's, South Lopham
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Described as one of the grandest pieces of Norman architecture in the county, this magnificent church with its massive central tower rising to a height of over 20 metres is an impressive sight. The late Sir John Betjeman wrote it was ‘worth going a long way to see.’
St. Andrew’s Church dates back to 1000 and 1066. These parts include the little round window near the back of the Church, high up in the north wall- and the main part of this sturdy wall is of the same period.
The massive central tower (Norfolk’s finest Norman parish Church Tower) rises bold and fortress-like to a height of over twenty metres (70 feet), was built in Norman times probably by William Bigod, Earl of Norfolk who gave the Church in to the care of the monks of Thetford Priory.
In 1361 the new rector, Nicholas de Horton built the present Chancel and the south aisle or Lady Chapel. In the late fifteenth century the Nave was heightened and given its “clerestory” windows and the fine ‘hammer beam’ roof, some carved bench ends survive from this period. The keyhole in the Chancel door is reputed to be level with the top of Norwich Cathedral Spire.
The interior of the Church is spacious and gloriously light. Of note are two fine vistas; the view eastward from the font through the great Norman arches and the fine view from the alter rails westwards to the tall and elegant west window. The stained glass window is a reminder of the Lopham’s traditional industry of Linen weaving. It is in memory of Louisa Buckenham whose family made linen for Queen Victoria.
The tower boasts a fine peal of six bells.
Lopham and Redgrave Fen is the largest remaining river valley fen in England, and one of the most important wet lands in Europe, it is home of the Rare Fen Raft Spider and has a range of distinct habitats including saw sedge beds. It also has nature trails, walks and a visitor centre.
The source of the rivers Waveney and Little Ouse accur in South Lopham, one flows West and one East – one of the wonders of south Lopham.
St. Andrew’s School is situated in North Lopham and is an amalgamation of Blo Norton, South Lopham and North Lopham. From 1982 it has been a Church School.
Lophams Village Hall, shared with North Lopham, has excellent facilities and a playing field. It is used extensively and boasts a very popular Farmers Market every fourth Saturday of the month, 9am-12:30pm, and with a mouth watering display of local produce this is a very popular market. It also hosts Judo, Dog Training, Art classes and Holy Bingo.
The White Horse is our village pub which also serves food and there are several B&B’s in the village.